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About Us


Smart Vent has been passionate about protecting the homes and families of our customers since being established in 1999.  We know living in a flood plain comes with a certain risk, so our goal is to give you the products, support, and resources you need to help protect your home and know how to best manage the storm. Backed by a team of Certified Floodplain Managers and Engineers, Smart Vent is well-versed in building codes, flood risk, and even flood insurance.  We design our products with your safety in mind, using rigorous testing standards and the highest quality materials possible.


Smart Vent was born out of the need for flood vents—a safeguard mandated by FEMA, the NFIP, and State and National Construction Codes.  We have worked with these groups to ensure our products meet their standards and helped develop programs to educate homeowners, building officials, and code officials in attempts to develop the standard for flood protection.

Using 316L Marine-Grade Stainless Steel, we provided the first-ever line of Engineered Flood Vents--a product that relieves hydrostatic pressure while operating automatically and allowing for bi-directional entry and exit of flood water and debris.  After decades of ICC-ES performance testing, recognition from state, national, and federal organizations, our products are proven.

We are proud to be owned, operated, and manufactured in the United States. 

We're much more than just a great product.  Our team has been dedicated to providing support and disaster assistance during some of the biggest storms to ever hit our country.  We know the heartache caused by disasters and part of our mission is to provide early education, mitigation options, insurance tips, and resources that can help lessen the blow.

All of this wouldn't be possible without a passionate, dedicated team of flood experts who work tirelessly for Smart Vent's mission. We pride ourselves in our creation of a team of Certified Floodplain Managers and Engineers who are well-versed in building codes and designing in the floodplain, paired with nationwide sales reps who are knowledgeable and focused on providing safety, security, and education on flood risk.  Click below to meet your local representative and reach out with any questions.  We're here to help!

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